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Privacy policy

This agreement describes the ways of processing, storing and sharing of the collected personal data. It was published to inform everyone about the important terms, user’s rights and other things, which have to be mentioned. In case the user intents to install the application, he has to read Privacy Policy and Terms of Use documents to be aware of all the lawful nuances. After installing the application, the user accepts the following statements automatically.

Personal and non-personal information we collect:

  • Usage activity (we track how do you interact with our application, e.g. number of sessions and their duration).
  • Personal data, including the user’s real name, age, geolocation, etc.
  • Technical information about the device you use (iOS version, hardware model, etc).
  • Log data or crash information. This file is supplied to the owner in case you faced problems during the usage of FaxIt. If something goes wrong, Log data file will help us find the problem.
  • We don’t collect any sensitive information.

Purposes of data collecting?

We need your personal data to provide better service, track fraudulent activity and assure the safety of user’s information. The application owner also needs such data for analytical purposes. This helps to improve service and make the usage of application more convenient. We also use your data to create special promotional offers, which are usually carried out on an individual basis.

Cookies’ policy

If the user visits the official website of our product FaxIt, then he accepts the cookies’ policy automatically. It’s applied only in case he visits this website. Cookie is a data file, which is located on your device and gathers some useful facts about the user’s online activity. This is needed to determine the user’s preferences and needs.

Where is the archive of faxed documents located?

All the faxed files are stored in a special folder, which is located on the device. The owner of FaxIt assures, that none of these documents will be sent to third-parties. Only the user can deal with the files. The application will only add new faxes to the archive.

Third-party advertising

We refer third-party advertising companies asking them for ad stream procuring. In order to provide better service and supply appropriate ads, these companies require some of the user’s personal information. The owner of FaxIt guarantees, that advertising companies will get only that personal and non-personal data, which is required for ad stream providing.

Safety terms

The owner of FaxIt assures the user, that he applies all the possible methods to protect the gathered personal data. These methods correspond generally accepted standards, but can’t guarantee absolute information safety. Anyway, we work hard on this topic, striving to provide the highest level of data protection, while storing and transmitting.

Required permissions:

  • Camera access. This permission is required for correct work of FaxIt. Capturing images is a part of document scanning process, thus it will be impossible to perform scanning without camera.
  • Gallery. It will be impossible for FaxIt to upload scanned documents without accessing gallery.
  • Contacts. Accessing contacts and profiles is also quite important for proper work of our application. It will be impossible for the user to send a fax without permitting access to the list of contacts.
  • Notifications. We require this permission in order to send you push-notifications about documents’ status changing.

Which platforms do we use and why?

The owner of FaxIt refers special platforms to provide the most effective distribution of his product. The only legitimate platform for the distribution of FaxIt application is App Store by Apple Inc.

User’s rights:

  • To cancel any permission connected with personal information gathering, processing, sharing, etc.
  • To ask the owner for providing you with a report or a copy of collected data.
  • To be aware of purposes and ways of data collection, processing and sharing.
  • To forbid further data usage, so the app owner will reserve a right only to collect and store the personal information. The user can also allow the owner to process and share the data afterward.
  • To ask the owner for non-relevant data to be updated or deleted.
  • To ask for information deletion.
  • To object data usage.
  • To refer a competent authority to protect personal data and rights in case the application owner performed any kind of illegal or violating actions with the user’s data.

Privacy Policy updates

Privacy Policy document, as well as Terms of Use, can be updated, modified or replaced with another document by the official app owner. These all can be performed without prior notifying and for unlimited amount of times. The user should renew the current web page to be aware of possible changes, as the new document becomes legitimate the day of sharing. In case the user doesn’t contact the owner, it’s meant that he accepts changes. Only the user is responsible for checking the information about updates. The owner doesn’t have to warn him directly. The only required way of notifying is publishing an updated text version on the official website of FaxIt application.

What shall the user do to find out more information?

The user is always welcome to contact us at any moment. If any important fact can’t be learnt from this document, then he can refer the Support or the app owner via available contacts, written on a corresponding page of this website. We will answer your questions connected with personal data processing, sharing, storing, etc.