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Terms of Use

What is this document for?

The official owner of FaxIt application created this document to inform the user about the main terms of service and important prohibitions. Terms of Use document usually represents a lawful agreement, and should be fully accepted by all the participants.

The aim of this document is to establish and regulate lawful relationships between the app owner and the user of FaxIt. It was created to prevent any kind of misunderstanding and law disputes. The agreement consists of three paragraphs and a list of statements, which represent the main terms. Both sides (the owner and the user) should follow the rules, mentioned on the current web page.

The rules listed below are accepted by the user automatically. Thus, we recommend everybody to read the entire document thoroughly. If the user disagrees with at least one of them, then he has to delete our application right away.

Terms of service:

  • The owner reserves the right to deny service if the user doesn’t follow the rules mentioned in this text, disobeys them, uses FaxIt illegally or performs any action from the list of prohibitions below.
  • All the actions from the list of prohibitions are punished by law.
  • The owner reserves the right to update Terms of Use and Privacy Policy documents without notification.
  • The owner can perform this at any moment and for unlimited number of times.
  • The owner also reserves the right to change any part of this document, including the entire text.
  • The only way in which the app owner has to notify the user about changes is placing a new text version on the current web page.
  • The owner reserves the right to refer a competent authority with a complaint either in a written or in a spoken form.

Prohibited actions:

  • Destroying the program in any ways (technical, physical, etc).
  • Modifying the program or its parts.
  • Dealing with a source code of FaxIt, including extraction and other harmful actions.
  • Performing violating actions wittingly or accidentally.
  • Making a copy of the program.
  • Using or distributing the copy of FaxIt.